Physical distancing In Times of a Global Crisis (A Journal)

23/03/20. Some games of Psych with friends, a light read, a small gesture and an irritable mood. “The Last Summer.” Inconsistent feelings of love.   24/03/20. Anxiety inducing whatsapp videos, a broken glass and gloomy moods. An HRM report and a stomach ache. The need to bathe but no willingness to. A spiritual music thatContinue reading “Physical distancing In Times of a Global Crisis (A Journal)”

All of us can, like we did.

I visited my school today. It took me a while before I stopped calling it “college”. Routine, you see. It outgrows you. Above everything else, taking the turns towards my college, sorry, school made me well up with nostalgia. Each turn I took that brought me closer to the place where I spent the betterContinue reading “All of us can, like we did.”