Physical distancing In Times of a Global Crisis (A Journal)

23/03/20. Some games of Psych with friends, a light read, a small gesture and an irritable mood. “The Last Summer.” Inconsistent feelings of love.   24/03/20. Anxiety inducing whatsapp videos, a broken glass and gloomy moods. An HRM report and a stomach ache. The need to bathe but no willingness to. A spiritual music thatContinue reading “Physical distancing In Times of a Global Crisis (A Journal)”

All of us can, like we did.

I visited my school today. It took me a while before I stopped calling it “college”. Routine, you see. It outgrows you. Above everything else, taking the turns towards my college, sorry, school made me well up with nostalgia. Each turn I took that brought me closer to the place where I spent the betterContinue reading “All of us can, like we did.”

Beauty of Retrospect

You’re sitting there and you look at people who’ve grown older and if you look closer, you can see in them a young version of them- almost speaking to you. It’s intriguing because one day you’ll become old but you’ve been every one of your age. You’ve been 2 and you’ve been 12 and you’reContinue reading “Beauty of Retrospect”


Sukhmani took me to the basti where she was doing an internship with an NGO, teaching young minds. As soon as I entered the basti, in all its precious glory of people looking at me with warmth (despite the cold conditions they resided in) all these little balls of happiness cutesies came running to meContinue reading “Children”