For all my pounding heart

For my pounding heart There’s a day where we ride our scooters in the rain and after having heard renditions of vintage ghazals, the rain looks as if transported from a movie set- carried by a sepia butterfly. I hold on to your kurta as if my life depended on it and while that’s unhealthy,Continue reading “For all my pounding heart”

Physical distancing In Times of a Global Crisis (A Journal)

23/03/20. Some games of Psych with friends, a light read, a small gesture and an irritable mood. “The Last Summer.” Inconsistent feelings of love.   24/03/20. Anxiety inducing whatsapp videos, a broken glass and gloomy moods. An HRM report and a stomach ache. The need to bathe but no willingness to. A spiritual music thatContinue reading “Physical distancing In Times of a Global Crisis (A Journal)”

Beauty of Retrospect

You’re sitting there and you look at people who’ve grown older and if you look closer, you can see in them a young version of them- almost speaking to you. It’s intriguing because one day you’ll become old but you’ve been every one of your age. You’ve been 2 and you’ve been 12 and you’reContinue reading “Beauty of Retrospect”